Friday, 7 March 2014

Tenders for Supply of Standby Sewerage Booster lifting pumps ,Tenders in Uganda

Tender Description :Supply of Standby Sewerage Booster lifting pumps               
Tender Category :SUPPLIES        
Organisation:The National Water & Sewerage Corporation

Procurement Ref. No: NWSC-KW-SUPLS-2013-14-158993             

Bid Submission Deadline:19 March,2014
BID NOTICE FOR – R39(2)(b),R140 (1)
1. The National Water & Sewerage Corporation has allocated funds to be used for the acquisition of Supply of Standby Sewerage Booster lifting pumps
2. The National Water & Sewerage Corporation invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Supply of Standby Sewerage Booster lifting pumps
3. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with the open Open-Domestic bidding procedures contained in the Government of Uganda’s Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act, 2003, and is open to all bidders from eligible source countries.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from National Water & Sewerage Corporation and inspect the bidding documents at the address given below at 7(a) .
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below at 7(b) and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of UGX 50,000.
6. Bids must be delivered to the address below at 7(c) at or before 19 March,201. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below at 7(d)
7. (a)Address documents may be inspected at:
The Manager Procurement,
National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area, Kampala
P.O Box 7053 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-414-315800
(b) Address documents will be issued from:
The Manager Procurement,
National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area, Kampala
P.O Box 7053 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-414-315800
(c) Address Bids must be delivered to:
The Manager Procurement,
National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area, Kampala
P.O Box 7053 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-414-315800
(d) Address of Bid Opening:
The Manager Procurement,
National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area, Kampala
P.O Box 7053 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-414-315800
8. (a) Publish Bid Notice:
(b) Bid Evaluation:           31 March,2014
(c) Display and communication of best evaluate bidder notice: 15 April,2014
  (d) Contract award and Signing:
After approval of solicitor General
9. (a) Contacts ( Telephone or Email): The Manager Procurement,
National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Plot No. 43, 6th Street, Industrial Area, Kampala
P.O Box 7053 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: 256-414-315800

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