Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Programme Officer, vacancy in Uganda, Jobs in Uganda,

Organisation:  Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA),
Location: Gulu
Background Information:
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the executing agency of Japan’s Bilateral Official Development Assistance (ODA), has been implementing the “Project for Capacity Development in Planning and Implementation for Community Development in Acholi Sub-Region (ACAP)”
under the JICA Reconstruction Assistance Program for Northern Uganda. The ACAP project is inviting an application from a qualified and experienced candidate to the under-mentioned post. This officer is to work in ACAP project office in Gulu.

Ÿ To assist Chief Advisor (Japanese nationality) in the planning and implementation of the Project’s activities
Ÿ To engage in community development activities of the Project (e.g. Livelihoods Support)
Ÿ To coordinate with officials of local governments
Ÿ To travel across Acholi Sub-Region and Kampala
Qualifications & Experiences:
Ÿ Uganda Nationality with age below 50 years old
Ÿ University Degree in rural development, community development, development studies or other related development discipline
Ÿ Minimum of five year work experience in community development
Ÿ Flexible and willing to work in difficult work conditions and under pressure
Ÿ Excellent command of verbal and written English and spoken Acholi/Luo
Ÿ Computer literacy on MS Word/Excel/ Power Point/Outlook [Conditions]
Ÿ Contract on a yearly basis and subject to renew
Ÿ Preferably to commence from the beginning of February 2014 (negotiable)
Ÿ Probation in the first three months
Ÿ This is not a position of permanent cadre of JICA Uganda office
How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit a set of hard copy of his/her Curricula Vitae with two recommendation letters of non-related referees no later than 10th January, 2014 (Friday) either through hand delivery to ACAP Project Office in Gulu or being posted to ACAP, P.O Box address. Submission is not acceptable by e-mail. Only short-listed applicants will be called for an interview.
Address: ACAP Project Office
Plot No. 15, Upper Churchill Drive, Gulu
P. O. Box 693, Gulu
(Closed on 27th December, 2013, apart from weekends and public holidays) JICA, the world biggest bilateral aid agency, works in over 150 countries and regions. In accordance with its vision of “inclusive and Dynamic Development,” JICA supports the resolution of development issues in developing countries. In Uganda, Japan has been providing financial and technical assistance since 1966. On behalf of the people and the Government of Japan, JICA contributes to improve life of people in Uganda.

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