Thursday, 12 December 2013

Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher (14 Vacancies),vacancies in Uganda, Jobs in Uganda,

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill vacant posts in Dokolo District Local Government.
Job Title:
1.       Head Teacher Grade IV P/S (2 Vacancies)
2.       Head Teacher Grade III P/S (5 Vacancies)
3.       Head Teacher Grade II P/S (4 Vacancies)
4.       Deputy Head Teacher Grade I P/S (2 Vacancies)
5.       Head Teacher Grade I P/S (1 Vacancy)
Age: 28-45 Years

Job Title:Head Teacher Grade I P/S (1 Vacancy)
REF: DSC/DOK/156/3/1/2013
Salary Scale: U4U
Age: 28-45 Years
Reports to: District Education Officer

(i) Qualifications
● Minimum of a Degree in Primary Education or the equivalent of this, from recognized Institutions;
● Must have attended at least four workshops/seminars and four short courses relevant to the profession;
● Registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports; and
● Minimum of twelve years working experience, three of which should have been at Deputy Head Teacher or Principal Education Assistant level with administrative responsibilities.

Job Title: Deputy Head Teacher Grade I P/S (2 Vacancies)
Salary Scale: U4L
 REF: DSC/DOK/156/3/2/2013
Age: 25-45 Years
 Reports to: Head Teacher
(i) Qualifications:
● Minimum of a Degree in Primary Education or the equivalent of this, from recognized Institutions;
● Must have attended at least four workshops/seminars and four short courses relevant to the profession;
● Registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports; and
● Minimum of twelve years working experience, three of which should have been at Deputy Head
● Teacher or Principal Education Assistant level with administrative responsibilities.

Job Title: Head Teacher Grade II P/S (4 Vacancies)
REF: DSC/DOK/156/3/3/2013
Salary Scale: U4L
 Age: 25-45 Years
Reports to: District Education Officer

(i) Qualifications:
● Minimum of a Degree in Primary Education or the equivalent of this, from recognized Institutions;
● Must have attended at least four workshops/seminars and four short courses relevant to the profession;
● Registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports; and
● Minimum of twelve years working experience, three of which should have been at Deputy Head Teacher or Principal Education Assistant level with administrative responsibilities.
Job Title: Head Teacher Grade III P/S (5 Vacancies)
REF: DSC/DOK/156/3/3/2013:
Salary Scale: U5
Age: 25-45 Years Reports to: District Education Officer
(i) Qualifications:
● Minimum of a Degree in Primary Education or the equivalent of this, from recognized Institutions;
● Must have attended at least four workshops/seminars and four short courses relevant to the profession;
● Registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports; and
● Minimum of twelve years working experience, three of which should have been at Deputy Head Teacher or Principal Education Assistant level with administrative responsibilities.
Job Title: Head Teacher Grade IV P/S (2 Vacancies)
 REF: DSC/DOK/156/3/3/2013
Salary Scale: U6U
Age: 25-45 Years
Reports to: District Education Officer
(i) Qualifications:
● Minimum of a Diploma in Primary Education or the equivalent of this from recognized Institutions.
● Registered with the Ministry of Education and Sports
● Must have attended at least three workshops/seminars and three short courses relevant to the profession
● Minimum of eight years working experience, three of which should have been at Senior Education Assistant level.
How to apply:
Applicants should forward their applications in triplicate on PSC Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary,
 District Service Commission Dokolo District,
 P. O. Box 540, Dokolo.
 The closing date is 24th December, 2013
 The application forms are obtainable from any District Service Commission Offices, and Public Service Offices, Kampala.
 Hand written application s will also be accepted. The applications should bear the title of the post applied for and the Reference.
The applicants should attach 3 sets of photocopies of their certificates and testimonials and three recently certified passport size photographs. Those already in service should route their applications through their Heads of Departments who should be informed of the closing dates to avoid unnecessary delays.

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