Friday, 22 December 2017

Nursing Officer (Nursing) - 31 Posts, (Midwifery) – 18 Posts (Psychiatry) – 4 Posts,Uganda Jobs,

Post: Nursing Officer (Nursing) - 31 Posts
 Reference: HRM 72/173/01 RH 24 Posts
HRM/72/173/14 HRH – 3 posts Hoima
HRM/72/173/24 MRH – 4 posts Moroto
 Salary Scale: U5
 Reports to: Senior Nursing Officer
· Must have a Diploma in Nursing or Comprehensive Nursing from a recognized Institution.

· Must have served as Enrolled Nurse for at least three (3) years.
 Other requirements:
· Good communication, counseling, team building and interpersonal skills.
 Duties and Responsibilities:
a) Receive patients, register admissions, discharge patients and record deaths.
b) Provide Nursing Care services to patients.
c) Keep patients comfortable and ensure clean and safe environment.
d) Ensure that aseptic techniques are observed.
e) Participate in bedside nursing procedures as a member of the caring team.
f) Participate in Doctors/Clinical Officers Ward rounds.
g) Prepare patients for meals and participate in serving them.
h) Manage and account for allocated resources.
i) Participate in research activities.
j) Impart knowledge and skills to students and staff.
k) Promote the observance of the professional Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
l) Compile daily Ward reports and hand over to in-coming shift.
m) Perform any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.

Post: Nursing Officer (Midwifery) – 18 Posts
Reference: HRM 72/173/01 RH 10 Posts
HRM/72/173/14 HRH – 4 posts Hoima
HRM/72/173/24 MRH – 4 posts Moroto
 Salary Scale: U5
 Reports to: Senior Nursing Officer
· Must have a Diploma in Midwifery from a recognized Institution.
e. Experience:
· Must have served as Enrolled Midwife for at least three (3) years.
Other requirements:
· Good communication, counseling, team building and interpersonal skills.
 Duties and Responsibilities:
a) Receive patients, register admissions, discharge patients and register deaths.
b) Carry out antenatal care with emphasis on identifying high risk cases and refer them to Doctors.
c) Provide care during labour with emphasis on keeping proper records, use of drugs and prevention of complications to mother and baby.
d) Provide care during puerperium, with emphasis on early detection of complications, prevention of infection and psycho social needs to the mother.
e) Provide care post during the post natal period with emphasis on warmth on early detection of complications, prevention of infection and ensure successful breast feeding.
f) Participate in management of emergence obstetric and newborn complications.
g) Participate in bedside nursing procedures as a member of the caring team.
h) Participate in Doctors/Clinical Officers’ ward rounds.
i) Prepare patients for meals and participate in serving them.
j) Keep patients comfortable and ensure a healthy environment.
k) Participate in research activities.
l) Impart knowledge and skills to students and staff.
m) Promote the observance of the professional Codes of Conduct and Ethics by staff under him/her.
n) Manage and account for allocated resources.
o) Compile daily ward reports and hand over.
p) Perform any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.

Post: Nursing Officer (Psychiatry) – 4 Posts
 Reference: HRM 72/173/01 RH
 Salary Scale: U5
 Reports to: Senior Nursing Officer
· Must have a Diploma in Mental Health Nursing or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.
 Other requirements:
· Good communication, counseling, team building and interpersonal skills.
· Must have served as Enrolled Psychiatric Nurse for at least three (3)years.
 Duties and Responsibilities:
a) Receive patients, register admissions, discharge patients and register deaths.
b) Participate in bedside psychiatric nursing procedures as a member of the caring team.
c) Participate in Doctors/Clinical Officers’ Ward Rounds.
d) Carry out observations, keep record and ensure their safe custody.
e) Keep patients comfortable, allay their anxieties and ensure a healthy environment.
f) Ensure protection of patients’ relatives and staff.
g) Prepare patients for meals and participate in serving them.
h) Provide health education and counseling to patients and relatives.
i) Participate in psychiatric community outreach.
j) Impart knowledge and skills to students and staff.
k) Promote the observance of the professional Codes of Conduct and Ethics by staff under him/her.
l) Participate in research activities.
m) Compile daily Ward reports and hand over to in-coming shift.
n) Manage and account for allocated resources.
o) Perform any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.
How to Apply:
The Application Form should be filled ONLINE at and submitted to the Secretary, Health
Service Commission not later than 19th January 2018. The link to the E-recruitment system can also be
accessed from the Commission's website on
1. Applicants are advised to:
a) Complete PSF 3 and keep it for future reference.
b) Secure a scanned passport size photograph (JPEG format).
c) Scan all relevant documents.
d) Open an email address in case you do not have.
2. Relevant Documents include the following:
a) Copies of academic and professional certificates (UCE, UACE, Professional Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, Fellowships),
b) Evidence of training in specialized areas where applicable,
c) Copies of letters of appointment (including promotional if applicable) and confirmation letters as may apply,
d) Copies of registration certificate and valid practicing licenses (December 2017) for health workers who are required by law to register with relevant professional councils
e) Copies of National and current Institutional Identity Cards.
3. Application Process
a) Visit the website or and follow the link to (Study the info about
the service)
b) Go to “Job seekers login” and register
c) View the jobs
d) Select one job of choice, APPLY ONLINE and upload all relevant documents and SUBMIT.
4. It is emphasized that:
a) The application form should be completed and submitted ONLINE.
b) Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
c) Shortlisted candidates shall be required to bring their original certificates, letters of appointment and
evidence of active service, at the oral interview. Candidates who will present forged certificates shall
be handed over to the Police for appropriate action.
d) Health Workers who are on long term training (one year and above) must not apply.
5. Vacancies tenable at Kabale, Moroto, Hoima and Mubende RRHs should be applied specifically under
respective hospitals.
6. In case of need, you are advised to seek help from the nearest National or Regional Referral Hospital
Human Resource Unit. In addition, the Health Service Commission will respond to inquiries by
telephone on 0414-254378 or 041348501, or email at, or
All services of the Health Service Commission are provided free of charge and equal opportunity is given to all qualified applicants.
Please report any form of solicitation to the Secretary, Health Service Commission on Telephone
No. 0414-254378, or email


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