Internship opportuiniy at Strengthening Decentralization for Sustainability
(SDS),Jobs in Uganda,
Primary Location:Kampala,Uganda
Application Deadline : Friday April 11, 2014.
Organisation:Strengthening Decentralization for Sustainability (SDS)
Background Information:
Strengthening Decentralization for Sustainability (SDS) is a five-year
USAID-funded programme, now in its 4th year of implementation. The SDS Program
aims at improving results and sustainability of decentralized service delivery,
with emphasis on Health and services for orphans and vulnerable children at
government levels in Uganda.
(4) Strengthening Decentralization for Sustainability AND
The Internship Scheme: SDS is implementing phase 2 of its 12-months internship programme. While
phase 1 focused entirely on M&E, phase 2 is aimed at enhancing M&E and
community developmentl youth engagement skills among young talented and fresh
university graduates.
This programme comprises of two streams namely:
1. Stream 1: Monitoring and Evaluation: under this stream, four (4) interns
will be recruited and will focus on all SDS programmatic (down stream) and
centralised (upstream) monitoring & evaluation activities in all 35 SDS
supported districts. The M&E activities to be supported by the interns will
M&E for system strengthening,
capacity enhancement, grants management, education, water and sanitation and
human resources for health.
The interns will participate in projects designs, baseline studies, routine
monitoring and evaluations.
2. Stream 2: Community Developmentl Youth Engagement: For this stream, four
(4) interns will be recruited and will focus mainly on the SDS implemented
Education and Early Grade Reading Program.
The interns will specifically deal with community development and youth
engagement activities that promote early grade reading. While the interns will
be based in the SDS Kampala Office in Kololo, they will be working in the 4
pilot districts in which the education program in Eastern Uganda (Mbale,
Sironko, Kumi, Budaka) is implemented.
The Interns will also support the Education Management Information System
(EMIS) initiatives in the program districts
While SDS respects all applicants, only candidates shortlisted for
interviews will be contacted
Desired Qualification:
The internship scheme targets brilliant, highly and self- motivated,
interested young graduates (30 years and below) with a passion for M&E or
community development/ youth
Potential interns will possess a
Bachelors’ degree in areas of: Statistics, Economics, Demography and Population
Studies, Development Studies, Social Sciences, Gender Studies, Social Work and
Social Administration, Social Anthropology, Information Technology, Finance and
Financial Management; and any other related disciplines.
The scheme is open to all qualified Ugandans from different institutions,
ethnic backgrounds and gender that are ready to contribute to the pragmatic
social development process of the country using the acquired M&E and
Community development /youth engagement skills.
Application materials:
- Internship application form (please fill-in the relevant form)
- Motivation statement not exceeding 250 words, double-spaced, font 12 of
times new roman. The statement should clearly spell out why you should be
considered for this scheme, what you intendto benefit from the scheme and what
you intend tooffer as well as what your future M&E or community
developmentl youth engagement aspirations are.
- All relevant academic documents/certificates
How to Apply:
The full scope of work and application forms for both internship streams
can be accessed through SDS program website at:
completed forms and motivation statement should be sent by email ONLY to
by Friday April 11, 2014.