Thursday, 19 December 2013

Senior Land Management Officer vacancy,Jobs in Uganda,

 Applications are invited form suitably qualified Ugandans to fill vacant posts that exist in Kyegegwa District Local Government and Kyegegwa Town Council.
 Post Title
: Senior Land Management Officer (1)
Department: Natural Resources
Salary Scale : U3Sc
Age: 25Years and above
Reports to : District Natural Resources Officer
Terms of Appointment: Permanent and Pensionable

Ref. No: KGWA/10/2013

Qualifications:• A Honors Bachelors’ degree in Surveying; Geometrics; Law; Land Economics; land Management; Physical Planning; Urban Planning; Regional Planning; or any other relevant qualifications from a recognized University or Institution.
• A Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice for Legal Professionals is a must.
Work Experience:
Working experience of three (3) years’ at officer or equivalent level in a reputable organization
Key Functions:i. Enforcing compliance with national policies, strategies, programmes and guidelines on land, housing and urban development within the District;
ii. Coordinating the development and enforcement of District Council bye-laws and Ordinances on sustainable use and development of land; safe, planned housing and human settlement;
iii. Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of national lands, housing and urban development initiatives and policies in the District;
iv. Providing support supervision and technical back-up support to lower local governments on matters of lands, urban development and housing;
v. Preparing and submitting reports on the performance of the Land Management sub-sector of the relevant authorities and stakeholders;
vi. Preparing and submitting work plans and budgets for land management programmes and activities; and vii. Supervising, coaching and appraising the performance of staff of the Land management Office
of the District.
How to apply:Applications must be submitted in triplicate on PSC Form No.3 (Revised 2008) to
 the Secretary, District Service Commission,
 P.O. Box 99, and Kyegegwa not later than 30th December 2013.
 Forms can be obtained from Public Service Commission offices  2nd floor,
 Farmer’s House-Parliament Avenue – Kampala or any office of the District Service Commission.

Applications should bear three (3) passport photos and Photocopies of supporting documents, with day-time contact telephone. Detailed information is available on the District website Serving Officers should route their applications through their Heads of Departments who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay. Job title and reference numbers must be indicated. Only shortlisted candidates shall be contacted.

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