Friday, 25 January 2013


The Uganda Bureau of Statistic (UBOS) was established under the UBOS act (1998) as a semi- autonomous body under the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. Its the principle data collecting and dissemination agency, responsible for coordinating, monitoring and supervising the National Statistical System.
Our vision is to be a centre of excellence in Statistical production , while our mission is to develop a coherent, reliable,  efficient and demand driven National statistical system to support management and development initiatives.

                           STATISTICAL PRODUCTION AND DEVEOPMENT (1)

ROLE; To provide Technical Leadership to the various Directorates/Divisions of the Bureau in the production and development of Statistics.

Reports to:  Executive Director:

Key Result Areas:
v  To provide Technical leadership in the production of statistic in line with the corporate objectives.

v  To provide Technical Guidance in the development of statistic within the national statistical system.
v  Based on existing statistical products, to initiate the creation of new statistical information that is responsive to the emerging user needs and demands.
v  To supervise the standardization of statistical products across sectors.
v  To review the statistical directorates’ work plans annually
v  To take lead in developing and Reviewing UBOS policies relating to statistical production and development.
v  Any other duties assigned by the Executive Director.

Minimum Requirements and Qualifications:
v  A Bachelors Degree with honors in any of the following fields: Statistic, Quantitative Economics, Economics and Statistic plus A master’s degree in Statistic, Population Studies or any other related field.
v  Possession of a PhD in a relevant field will be an added advantage.
v  Strong knowledge of Applied Statistics.
v  Knowledge of Statistical operations in different ministries, Departments and agencies of government
v  A minimum of 10 years working experience  in the field of statistical production and  development of 5 years of which were at a senior managerial level, preferably in reputable Public Institution.
v  Membership to a national Statistical Association is essential.
v  Member ship to an international Statistical professional body /associations an added advantage.-Knowledge of relevant statistical software.
v  Excellent leadership, interpersonal, team building, analytical negotiation skills.
v  Should be of high level integrity.

Terms of Appointment:
·         Contract appointment for a period of 4 years renewable once upon satisfactory performance.
·         Age limit not more than 55 years of age.
·         An attractive package.

Deadline for submitting applications;:
The closing date for receiving applications is January 28th at 5:00pm.
Application indicating three referees with their contact addresses, the applicant postal address, and email, fax and telephone contacts should be hand delivered, posted or sent by email to the following address:

The Executive Director
Uganda Bureau of Statistics,
Plot 9, Colville Street,
P.O.Box 7186, Kampala
Tel: 256 041 706000
Fax: 041 237553

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