Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Training Officer,Research Office, Laboratory Assistant and Administration Assistant positions in Uganda,(12 vacancies)

Organisation: Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA)
Position Title:
1. Quality Assurance Officer (3 positions)
2. Promotion And Training Officer – (1 position)
3. Agricultural Research Officer – (3 positions)
4. Administration Assistant (1 position)
5. Laboratory Assistant (3 positions)

Background Information:
Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) was established by statutory mandate in 1991 following the liberalization of the coffee industry. The Statute mandates UCDA to: “oversee the coffee industry by supporting research, promoting production, controlling the quality and improving the marketing of coffee in order to optimize foreign exchange earnings for the country and payments to farmers”. UCDA is implementing the Robusta Coffee Centre of Excellence (COE) Project with support from aBi Trust. The COE Project is aimed at developing a sustainable coffee value chain through development of technologies, innovations and promotion of best practices along the coffee value chain, exploring best practices in coffee, conducting specific research to provide accurate information, and carrying out demonstration activities with the view of improving household incomes, and creating a coffee culture. The COE will offer recognized expertise and experience to benefit members of the coffee sector, and also demonstrate the best coffee practices. In order to deliver on the Project’s objectives, UCDA is seeking to fill the following Projectvacancies;
1. Quality Assurance Officer (3 positions)
2. Promotion And Training Officer – (1 position)
3. Agricultural Research Officer – (3 positions)
4. Administration Assistant (1 position)
5. Laboratory Assistant (3 positions)
The detailed job description showing the key result areas, the qualifications and experience, competences and skills, as well as the reporting arrangements and
conditions of service required for each role can be found at
How to apply:
Interested persons must send their applications, curriculum vitae, certified copies of academic transcripts, and telephone contacts and e-mail addresses of three referees not later than 31st December 2013, 5:00 p.m to:
Principal Human Resource Officer, UCDA,
 Coffee House, Plot 35 Jinja Road,
P.O. Box 7267, Kampala (U).
Electronic Submissions can be sent

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