Post:Monitoring and Evaluation expert
from Broederlijk Delen
Career categories: Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Uganda
Organisation: Broederlijk Delen
Job years of experience: 0-3 years
Job type: Job
Broederlijk Delen is working in the Rwenzori Region in Western Uganda since more than 10 years, and has
currently a formal partnership with 6 organizations working together in one program. All partners aim to contribute to the improvement of the life standard of the population, mainly by supporting agriculture production, value addition and marketing through the whole value chain. The region is characterized by a high population density, ethnic diversity and a long experience of a dynamic civil society.
We are currently looking for an expatriated development worker who will guide the organisations in establishing and improving a result-based monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system at organisation and program level. He/she will have an advisory and capacity building role, as the partner organizations are the process’ owners. Throughout the year she/he will work in depth with one or two organisations and do regular coaching at the program level of the Rwenzori Regional Framework.
The monitoring and evaluation expert will be based in Fort Portal and work for different organisations based in the Rwenzori region.
If you want to apply for the job, please send your application letter and CV to or to Broederlijk Delen VZW, attn. Els Van Achter, Huidevettersstraat 165 – 1000 Brussels before June 12th, 2013 at the latest.
Every candidate will receive an answer. Some candidates will be invited for written test and an interview by the end of June. The final candidate will be asked to take psychosocial tests.
The period of expatriation is set at 2 years (minimum). The date of departure is planned for September 2013, but depends on experience, preparation, training and adjudication of local work and residence permits.
Job ID: #579207
Closing date: 12 Jun 2013